150 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
Located on Colchester Avenue, Ira Allen Early Education Center has four preschool classrooms. Ira Allen is also home to Burlington School Districts Central Office and the Superintendent, as well as the main office for the Burlington Early Education Programs. All classrooms at the Ira Allen site offer extended day services for children with intensive special needs.
Bumblebees (FD)
Welcome to our buzzing classroom! The staff is warm and caring. We get to know each child and family in their uniqueness. The teachers facilitate the students in learning how to play, work together, and make friends. We are a classroom of diverse needs. Activities are planned so that all children can participate and are developmentally appropriate for a range of skill levels. The students learn through reciprocal play and relationships in the community of our classroom.
Materials and activities are provided to interest and engage children through play. Enough time, as well as novel choices of toys, sensory materials and art projects are provided for children to get deeply involved in discovery and learning. The Bumblebees engage and learn in an environment that fosters child-initiated play that is interesting and satisfying for them.
The curriculum is created with social emotional development in mind and is created new every week and the theme is changed every few weeks to support the student’s interests, skills, and knowledge. The adults in the classroom play alongside the students, and extend and stimulate children’s thinking through questions, suggestions and sharing information.
Our classroom is structured to have consistent routines and the children have clear expectations of how to act so their development can grow. In the Bumblebee classroom we use empowering practices such as: children having choice and making decisions, and being consulted about what they will do next!
To learn more about our classroom, please watch this video!
Teacher/Special Educator: Leisa Halligan
SLP: Debbie O’Brien
Full Day Program |
9:00 |
2:00 |
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday |
Shooting Stars (FD)
Welcome to the Shooting Star classroom, we’re glad that you’re here! We are a classroom of diverse learners that all have the same goal to play and learn together!
Our classroom team values developing trusting and caring relationships with our students as they navigate being in the school environment. We support students in developing meaningful friendships with peers while encouraging self advocacy throughout their day and within play.
In our classroom we follow a classroom schedule and attempt to have clear expectations for students within these routines. Our curriculum is dynamic as classroom themes change frequently as the world around us does. Through the curriculum we explore seasons, classroom interests, community helpers, etc. Each curriculum is created to help support student social emotional development as we explore and express our feelings, practice problem solving, and celebrate friendship.
We hope to provide an environment that encourages curiosity, a love for learning, and a positive introduction to the school environment!
Teacher/Special Educator: Stephanie Lach
SLP: Emily Heckler
Full Day Program |
9:00 |
2:00 |
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday |
Dragonflies (FD)
Teacher/Special Educator: Marissa Fasoli
SLP: Shira Habermehl
To see what our classroom schedule looks like please see this video!
Full Day Program |
9:00 |
2:00 |
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday |